New features in Excel
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New features in Excel 2023
Why is it important to learn new Excel formulas?
Excel is an important tool that can be used to organize, analyse, and present data. It is important to learn new formulas in order to effectively utilize the power of Excel to its fullest potential.
By learning new Excel formulas 2019, you can quickly make calculations, create visuals, and create powerful models.
This will help you to be more efficient and productive in your day-to-day tasks. Additionally, new formulas may give you insights into your data that you may not have noticed before.
How can the new Excel formulas 2023 make me more productive in the workplace?
The new Excel formulas 2019 can increase your productivity in the workplace by allowing you to quickly perform more complex calculations, create more accurate visualizations, and manipulate data more easily.
New features such as Power Query and Power Pivot can help you manage large sets of data with ease and quickly create in-depth reports.
Additionally, the addition of the XLOOKUP and CONCAT functions makes it easier to work with matrices and text strings.
Finally, improved charting options allow you to better visualize and present your data to colleagues and stakeholders.
New Excel 365 new functions 2023 are they really time-saving?
Yes, Microsoft Excel 365 new functions 2022 features a variety of time-saving features that help users work smarter and faster. These features include intelligent automation for tasks like scheduling emails, setting reminders, finding documents quickly, and providing insights into your data.
The Microsoft Office suite in conjunction with Excel 365 new functions 2022 is also integrated with other cloud services to help streamline collaboration and communication.
Additionally, learning the excel 365 new functions 2022 improves your ability to access and work with documents from any device or location helps to save time, as well as allowing for better file sharing and collaboration opportunities.
Unlocking the Potential of Excel 365 new functions 2023
Excel 365 is one of the most powerful spreadsheet software programs available, offering users a wide range of functions to help them complete tasks quickly and accurately. As of 2022, Microsoft has released several updates to the Excel 365 software, providing users with even more features and capabilities.
Let’s look at some of the new Excel 365 2019, 2022 & 2023 functions, and how they can be used to make the most of this powerful software.
One of the most exciting updates is the new Graphical Table feature. This tool allows users to quickly and easily create graphical representations of data. This feature can be used to quickly and easily compare multiple sets of data, or to understand the interrelationships between different sets.
The new Variance Analysis feature is another great addition to Excel 365 2022. This feature allows users to quickly and easily view the changes in values over time. This can help users understand the differences between different values, and gain insights into how the data is changing over time.
This feature can also be used to compare multiple sets of data, or to analyse the differences between one set of data and another.
The new Conditional Formulas feature is great for managing data. This feature allows users to set certain conditions for data, such as if a certain value is greater or less than a certain number, or if a certain value is in a certain range. With this feature, users can quickly and easily filter their data and gain a better understanding of it.
Finally, the new Visual Basic feature allows users to perform more powerful calculations and operations on their data. This feature is great for performing complex calculations quickly and easily, and can help users get the most out of Excel 365.
These are just a few of the new Excel 365 2022 features. As you can see, these new features can help users get the most out of the software and make it easier to handle more complex tasks. If you are looking for powerful spreadsheet software, consider Excel 365 – it is sure to provide you with the features and capabilities that you need.
Why We Developed Magic Excel
Excel is one of the most widely used software programs in the world. Millions of businesses, professionals, and students rely on Excel to manage data, perform calculations, and create visually stunning reports. Microsoft has been continuously adding new features and updates to Excel, and the latest versions of Excel 2019 and Office 365 for Windows have introduced several exciting new features and improvements.
College Africa has been closely monitoring the changes in Excel and has developed a new two-day course called Magic Excel to help users take advantage of the new features and functions. In this blog post, we will explore some of the new features and functions in Excel 2022 and Office 365 for Windows and how they can benefit users.
What will be covered in our MAGIC EXCEL TWO-DAY course
New features in Excel 2023 – Overview
Excel is an incredibly powerful and versatile data-driven spreadsheet application that can make complex calculations easier than ever before. There are many new features in Excel 2022, like the new XLookup, Funnel & Map Charts, Dynamic Arrays, Unique function and Sortby Function, that make it even more useful for Southern African professionals.
- This MAGIC EXCEL two day course will cover all these new features as well as provide information on specialized Excel courses available to those interested in becoming proficient with the program.
New functions in Excel 2023
Southern African professionals have a variety of new functions to tap into when working with spreadsheets in Excel 2022.
These include:
• XLookup Formula
This formula simplifies the process of finding data in a distributed range or data set. It has been designed to replace VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP formulas and allows you to quickly find and return results based on criteria you specify.
• Excel Spill Formulas
These formulas enable quick calculation of sums and averages using only existing cells. With this feature, users don’t need to manually select a series of cells for input because it automatically recalls the original area as data is added or removed from the original input range.
• New IFS Functions
These powerful functions allow users to test multiple conditions instead of using AND or OR functions each time a condition needs to be checked. For example; if TableA 1 AND TableB 2 then newIBS(TableA, TableB, ReturnData).
• Funnel & Map Charts
Showing trends over time is made easier with Funnel & Map charts, which present real-time visual information so users can immediately see patterns or outliers in their data sets at a glance. The funnel chart shows stages that lead up few final processed tasks while the Map Chart reflects geographical locations, territories or regions associated with different categories of data points.
• Dynamic Arrays
– In Excel 2022 supporting dynamic arrays makes it much easier for users to create flexible tables with fewer manual inputs required. Inserting lists of items into rows or columns no longer requires laborious manual adjustments when items are added or deleted—they expand automatically without disrupting the existing content structure on your worksheet! (Think filtered tables/graphs.)
• Unique Function
– The unique function eliminates duplicates by extracting unique non-empty values from an input array (*array either all numbers, words/phrases). All extracted values are spaced out evenly within one column (or row depending on your preference), making it much easier/quicker to sort through large amounts of data – eg: customer ID’s)
• SortBy Function
– This function is similar to SORT but has more specific parameters which can be adjusted including ability sorting up to 32 keys simultaneously! Define which columns (as objects) are supposed to prioritize values and how each value should be arranged ASCENDING/DESCENDING via single cell entry!
Changes in Excel’s Calculation Engine
Excel’s calculation engine has been improved to allow users to input one formula and get multiple results. This feature is known as the Spill Range feature, which allows a formula to automatically expand and populate the adjacent cells with results. This means users no longer have to copy the same formula across a range of cells manually.
Dynamic Array Functions
• FILTER: This function returns an array of values that meet a specific condition or set of conditions.
• SORT: This function sorts the contents of an array or range in ascending or descending order.
• SORTBY: This function sorts the contents of an array or range based on the values in another range.
• UNIQUE: This function returns a list of unique values in an array or range.
• SEQUENCE: This function returns a list of sequential numbers in an array or range.
• RANDARRAY: This function returns an array of random numbers between 0 and 1.
• LET: This function allows users to define variables within a formula to make it easier to read and understand
XLOOKUP Function
The XLOOKUP function is one of the most exciting new features in Excel 2022 and Office 365 for Windows. This function allows users to look up a value in a table or range and return a corresponding value from another column. The XLOOKUP function is a powerful tool that can replace several other Excel functions, including VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP.
The XLOOKUP function is much easier to use than VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP and can save users a significant amount of time.
New Formulae and Functions in Excel 2023
• CONCAT: This function allows users to concatenate the values of two or more cells or ranges.
• IFS: This function evaluates multiple conditions and returns a value based on the first condition that is true.
• MAXIFS: This function returns the largest value in a range that meets one or more criteria.
• MINIFS: This function returns the smallest value in a range that meets one or more criteria.
• SWITCH: This function evaluates an expression against a list of values and returns the corresponding result.
• TEXTJOIN: This function allows users to join the text from multiple cells or ranges using a delimiter
Exciting new Charts, Map Charts, Funnel and Stocks charts
New Excel Courses for Professionals: College Africa Group offers courses tailored for Southern African professionals who want to develop their skills using Excel 2022 & Excel 365.
New features in Excel 2022 – Magic Excel training focuses mainly on intermediate business experiences centered around manipulating spreadsheets — such as working with pivot tables and functions.
These new formulae in Excel 2019 will allow you to perform advanced restructure analysis techniques applicable to business metrics such as KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators), financial performance dashboard reports and budget management systems etc.
Contact Arnold + 27 083 778 4903 or email for dates in your area.
Who will benefit from Magic Excel?
CEO’s and MD’s – Sales Managers – System Analysts – NGO’s
SME Owners – Finance Managers – Lawyers – Business Analysts
Bankers – PA’s of Executives – HR Managers – IT Managers
Government Organisations – Consultants – Secretaries of Executives -School leavers and Graduates
You should try to attend some of these courses.
Why You Should Attend New features in Excel 2023 – Magic Excel
- Improved efficiency and productivity
- Save time and WOW your boss
- Greater probability of employment
- Greater earning power opportunities
- Huge possibilities for promotion.

Becoming the ultimate Excel guru will help you in tons of ways. You’ll be able to do more with less work, and earn more money, by knowing how to automate processes and create reports from the data you already have.
Becoming an advanced Excel user after attending New Features in Excel 2022 – Magic Excel two-day course will change your life. You’ll have the opportunity to develop impressive projects and be known as a leader in your field, turning every task into a breeze with quick and easy shortcuts.
New features in Excel 2022 – Magic Excel training will help you to become an Excel Guru and to become an efficient and effective user that can use the new features in Office 365 and Excel 2022.
If you’re looking to boost your earning potential and get the most out of your job, learning advanced Excel can help you do just that.
New features in Excel 2023 Tips Resources

Excel Guru, then start with these Excel courses
Our MAGIC EXCEL two-day course builds on our Famous Executive Excel Advanced Course & Excel Basic and Intermediate courses. The New Features in Excel 2022 -Magic Excel Advanced course covers some of the NEWEST advanced features and functions of Excel. On completion, the delegates will be in the top 5% of Excel users in Southern Africa.

This comprehensive Excel Dashboarding course builds on the grounding which was learned in the Excel Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced courses. The Excel Dashboarding course covers some of the most advanced features and functions of Excel. On completion, the delegates will be in the top 5% of Excel users in Southern Africa.

These PivotTables and PowerPivot courses will provide the delegate with the necessary skills to analyse vast amounts of data efficiently and effectively. This course builds on the grounding which was learned in our Excel Advanced courses.
On completion, the delegates will be in the top 5% of Advanced Excel users in Southern Africa.

This comprehensive Visual Basic for applications course builds on the grounding which was learned in our Excel Advanced courses. The Visual Basic for Applications course will correctly show delegates how it is implemented in the Microsoft Office Suite.
On completion, the delegates will be in the top 5% of Visual Basic for Applications users in Southern Africa.
View our Excel Video tips on Youtube