This course Time Management covers the fundamental principles of managing time resources. This is a one- day course which will provide the delegate with sufficient skills to avoid time mismanagement and increase productivity.
This course will provide the delegate with skills that will help to master MS Project and Project Management courses, like MS Project Intermediate and Microsoft Project Advanced. The delegate receives a manual and a digital attendance certificate.
It will lay down a solid foundation and understanding of time and the management thereof which leads to a better flow of processes and projects.
This College Africa Group course will enhance the user’s skills on the subject and teaches fundamentals as well as strategies in an easy to follow, easy to
understand format and includes practical exercises which will assist in
developing your skills in the workplace.
This course falls under the section Business Management courses.
Read more about The Top #7 Effective Time Management Skills
We almost run on demand as we try to accommodate the client’s work schedule when possible.
Contact Arnold + 27 083 778 4903 or email for dates in your area?
Course Description:
Get a grip on priorities, identify your “time traps,” and make every minute count by using these practical planning aids. Control your use of time. Make the best use of your personal energy. Set your priorities.
Topic-Level Outline
Part 1: Time Management Principles
- The Basics of Time Management
- What Controls Your Time?
- Three Tests of Time
- Benefits of Better Time Utilization
- Prime Time
- Setting Priorities
- Criteria for Setting Priorities
- How to Control Your Use of Time
Part 2: Time Management Techniques
- Planning, Long–Term Planning Aids
- Action–Planning Worksheet
- Milestone Chart, PERT Diagram
- Short–Term Planning Aids
- Daily Plans, Conference Planner
- Characteristics of Good Planners
- Common Time–Wasters
- Self–Generated Time–Wasters
- Needs Profile Analysis
- Environmental Time–Wasters
- When Things Go Wrong
- Five Tips for Effective Time Management
Part 3: Time Management Innovations
- Telephone Enhancements
- Computer Enhancements
- Other Technological Enhancements
- Meeting Alternatives
- Saving Time on the Internet
Part 4: Time–Saving Tips for Travelers
- Plan Your Travel Wisely
- Saving Time at Your Hotel
- Put Your Travel Plans in Writing
Part 5: Action Planning
- Applying What You’ve Learned
- Keeping a Daily Time Log
- Planning for Improved Time Utilization
The delegate receives a Time Management manual and an electronic attendance certificate on completion of the course.
We almost run on demand as we try to accommodate the client’s work schedule when possible. Contact Arnold + 27 083 778 4903 or email for dates in your area?
ON, OFFSITE and VIRTUAL training are offered. See our Specials for Gauteng & KZN, other areas call Arnold 083 7784903. Offsite includes teas, light lunch, and an electronic attendance certificate. Group discounts apply. ONSITE, YOUR VENUE, a minimum of three delegates attending simultaneously. Prices on request.
These are great Time Management resources
- What is time management and why it is important?
- Time management is a strategic plan of your available time and allocating the amount of time you spend on tasks. Effective time management can be difficult for some people, but everyone can improve their time management skills in order to work more efficiently
- What are the 5 key elements of time management?
- Be intentional: keep a to-do list. Drawing up a to-do list might not seem like a groundbreaking technique, but it’s one of the most powerful ways to become more productive.
- Be prioritized: rank your tasks.
- Be focused: manage distractions.
- Be structured: time block your work.
- Be self-aware: track your time. (c) Timely
- What are three strategies for managing your time?
- Know How You Spend Your Time and if necessary record it
Set Priorities and keep to them
Use a Planning Tool and Get Organized.
- Know How You Spend Your Time and if necessary record it
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