#1 Exceptional Job Readiness Skills & Training

A short read 4 minutes
Job readiness skills are a set of skills and behaviours necessary for any job. College Africa Group’s training includes computer literacy and soft skills.
What Are Job Readiness Skills?
Employers expect new employees to have a certain set of skills and behaviours, employee workplace skills, that are required for the job they need to perform. These are known as soft skills or job readiness skills. Communication skills help an employee to interact professionally with colleagues and customers or clients. Telephone etiquette and customer relations are important skills for employees who deal directly with customers, whether face to face or over the telephone. For professional written communication, business and report writing skills are a must. In this digital age, computer literacy and keyboarding are imperative. Time and work management skills will help an employee to be more efficient and productive. Employees that attend meetings regularly need the skill of minute taking.
How Do You Measure Job Readiness?
An employer can measure work readiness of a potential recruit that comes in for an interview. They would be questioned to see if they are competent to fill a particular position. During the interview process the applicant could complete a questionnaire that has been designed to establish their level of competency in professional skills, technological knowledge as well as to determine their personal qualities. They could even perform a simple test to determine their computer literacy. An employer needs to know about the potential employee’s work ethics – how committed they are to their work, their attendance record at school or previous place of employment and how well they manage their time. The new recruit’s appearance and attitude/confidence should be apparent at the time of the interview.
Four Pre-employment Job Readiness Skills Requirements
Employment selection processes mainly based on academic and/or technical qualifications do not guarantee a productive employee and a successful integration into the workplace. The reality is that very few Companies or potential recruits invest in Work Ready skills and concentrate mainly on formal qualifications. This view may result in recruits being non-productive and ill-equipped to adjust to the dynamics of the corporate culture. There are necessary pre-employment skills requirements. There are jobs that require an employee to have certain technical and specific skills. For example, a receptionist or switchboard operator needs to speak clearly and deal with difficult customers. A secretary needs to be computer literate, proficient in keyboarding skills, well-organised and have good verbal and written communication skills. New recruits should have general knowledge of the workplace.
Benefits of Job Readiness Skills
Work readiness skills are of benefit to both employers and new employees. New recruits with work readiness skills are more likely to succeed as they are more capable to perform the work that is expected of them. They are also more confident and can solve problems, saving the company time and money and improving efficiency and productivity. Employers benefit from quicker learning period for the employee.
Best Job Readiness Training
College Africa Group has developed pertinent Work Ready programs (link) to assist employees in preparing for the workplace. If they attend work readiness training, they will be more productive and adapt and respond easier to the challenges of the Corporate culture and structures.
Our professional programs can be customised to enhance your current employees or form part of your existing graduate or internship program. These programs will ensure that your investment is afforded the best opportunity to create successful and productive employees who conform and understand the Corporate identity.
What are some job readiness skills?
The solution for good written communication in order to be ready for a job is a Business Writing course. Computer literacy can be achieved by attending MS Office courses. Other job readiness skills are Time management, communication skills, telephone etiquette, and many more soft skills courses
What are the 5 workplace readiness skills?
Some of the skills that will prepare you for the workplace are Keyboarding, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Google Sheets and Docs
What is work readiness training?
CAG offers work readiness training for those skills required to be efficient in the office such as MS Office, Soft skills, MS Project, MAC Excel
What are workplace readiness skills and give 3 examples?
Job readiness skills are a set of skills and behaviours necessary for any job. Examples – MS Office, Soft skills, customer relations
I look forward to any comments and where your company has started using shorter workshop training sessions. Arnold email sales@collegeafricagroup.com
Learn More About Workshop Sessions
MS Office
MS Excel
Excel Guru
MS Project
Accredited Project Management